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The offers that appear on OpenCashAdvance.com are from companies from which OpenCashAdvance.com receives compensation. OpenCashAdvance.com does not make loan offers, but instead pairs potential borrowers with lenders and lending partners. We are not a lender, do not make credit decisions, broker loans, or make short-term cash loans. We also do not charge fees to potential borrowers for our services and do not represent or endorse any particular participating lender or lending partner, service, or product. Submitting a request allows us to refer you to third party lenders and lending partners and does not constitute approval for a loan.

Personal and Business Budgeting Tips During a Recession

Best Practices
Economic patterns show that recessions typically occur every four years in the United States.

Home Loans for Single Moms

Loan Advice
Single parents can often feel monetarily strained and may find it difficult to navigate finances with only one income due to a lack of necessary funds.

Unsecured Business Loans: Pros and Cons

Loan Advice
Keeping a business up and running requires a constant flow of cash. This is important to maintain a constant flow of operations, as well as to cover any unexpected emergencies.

How to Plan an Affordable Honeymoon

Best Practices
Each year, roughly 2.4 million weddings take place in the United States. And after these weddings, there are about 1.4 million honeymooning couples. In fact, among those who chose to get married, 99% will typically take a honeymoon following their nuptials.

Best 5 Online Personal Finance Courses: Top Picks for Financial Literacy

Best Practices
Looking for a no-cost to low-cost family finance class? These online programs offer the best courses for helping you plan a better budget.

Do Student Loans Affect Credit Score?

Best Practices
To help cover the cost of such steep higher educational costs, many individuals opt to take out student loans.

Protecting Yourself from Credit Card Fraud

Best Practices
About 14.4 million Americans fell victim to identity fraud in 2018, according to the 2019 Identity Fraud Study from Javelin Strategy & Research.

What is a Finance Charge?

Best Practices
A finance charge is a charge placed on your account if you fail to make your payments on time. It may also include interest charges and other fees that lenders charge borrowers, depending on the type of loan they choose.

How to Find Cheap Flights: An Ultimate Guide

Best Practices
When comparing the cost of flying to driving, it’s important to consider all the fees involved.

How to Improve Your Credit Score

Best Practices
There are several steps you can take to build your credit score fast. Firstly, check your score online to see what factors are affecting your credit.

Estate Planning Checklist: Your Full Guide

Best Practices
Despite the importance of having a post-mortem financial plan, a recent survey found that only four in 10 American adults have estate planning documents and that 64% of Americans have not made a will.

What is Predatory Lending?

Loan Advice
Predatory lending practices rely on charging consumers many times the original loan amount in interest and fees. These lenders never have the consumer’s best interest in mind, and it is always best to avoid them.

How Does a Joint Account Work?

Best Practices
A joint account is a shared bank account between two individuals. Having a joint bank account makes it easy to deposit and withdraw money and provides both account holders full access to the shared account.

What is the Cheapest Way to Move Across the Country?

About 35 million Americans move each year. While most of them might not leave their county, let alone the state, about a third of them move to a different county or state.

3 Tips to Deal with Financial Stress

Best Practices
Most Americans are going through the wringer when it comes to financial stress.

How Much is Private Health Insurance?

Loan Advice
Millions of Americans are not lucky enough to have free health insurance.

How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck: A Comprehensive Guide

Best Practices
The majority of Americans find themselves in a financial stranglehold, living without enough cash savings to cover even a $600 expense. Here are some tips on how to save money when you’re living week-to-week.

Why Couples Need Separate Bank Accounts in Marriage

Loan Advice
The modern marriage is different than it was only a generation ago.

How to Use an Installment Loan to Build Your Credit

Loan Advice Best Practices
A credit score is a number that reflects an individual's history of debts and repayments. If you have a low score, it doesn't have to stay that way. You can build credit with an installment loan. Learn more now.

How to Avoid Typical Bank Fees

Loan Advice
Your bank makes a fortune off your money. They don’t just keep it in a vault and let it get dusty.

Can You Get a Payday Loan with No Employment Verification?

Loan Advice
Borrowing money is the easiest and hardest thing in the world. It’s easy to ask for a payday loan with no employment verification. You might even get the money if you can prove you generate revenue.

How Should You Refinance Your Installment Loan?

An installment loan is a fixed-rate, closed-end form of credit that you pay back in portions over time. Technically, any loan not paid in full all at once is an installment loan.

Tax-Free Weekend 2019 -- What Your State is Doing for the Holiday

In total, there are 18 states nationwide that participate in a tax holiday every summer. They provide tremendous benefits for consumers that are searching for relief in school expenses, clothing, and other situations.

How an Inheritance Advance Works

Loan Advice
If you expect to inherit money, property, and other assets after the death of a loved one, the money can be a comfort, an unexpected windfall, or something you've expected for a long time as a legitimate beneficiary.

How Long Do Late Payments Stay on a Credit Report?

Best Practices
A credit report is used to determine credit eligibility. The report includes personal details, such as one’s home address, Social Security number, and date of birth.