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Online Short-term Loans Direct Lenders

Finding a loan doesn't have to be a hassle. When you work with direct payday loan lenders, it's possible to borrow right from the source, streamlining the borrowing process.

Many of our customers ask about the best way to find same-day online payday loans from direct lenders. While same-day funding is not available at this time, the fastest way to find funding is often by working with a real provider.

By avoiding brokers and agents, you can enjoy a faster and more streamlined path to funding.

Who are Direct Payday Lenders?

While not quite instant, direct payday lenders can be found online. Now, what we mean by "instant" is that your loan application may be instantly processed. Even when you work with the fastest lenders, it will take at least one business day for your funds to become available.

Direct lenders don't use the same roundabout approach that lending networks use. Instead, your loan request goes straight to the source.

Lenders that forgo third parties may be willing to give payday loans with bad credit. These lenders may also work with low-income individuals. As such, they are seen as more accommodating of tight financial situations.

These types of lenders understand that people are using their services because their credit score is a prohibitive factor when it comes to their financing options.

It's rare for direct payday lenders to require telechecks or overly intensive credit reviews for approval. While these factors will be reviewed, they may not be essential pieces of the application process. Frequently, these lenders market themselves as "second-chance" outlets. The approval process may afford a higher degree of leeway to individuals with troubled financial histories.

Benefits of Getting Payday Loans from Direct Lenders

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There are numerous benefits to getting a payday loan from an online direct lender. You may have a better chance of getting your loan approved. You may also receive better terms on your loan. Other benefits include:

  • Getting a loan to meet your needs – A direct lender might be more accommodating when it comes to giving you a reasonable interest rate. This will depend on your credit score and your payment history, generally speaking. They also don't have to go through a mediator to give you a loan, so they may work with you and customize a loan you can manage.
  • Avoiding a sizeable down payment – A direct lender may understand that you are not able to put down a sizeable down payment.
  • Receiving your loan quickly – While traditional lenders can make you wait weeks before giving you an answer, direct lenders can send you the money within a few days.
  • Getting approved for a loan with a decent or fair credit score – Direct lenders may still give you or your local business a loan if your credit score is suffering.

Payday Loans Online Direct Lenders Only No Teletrack

Since 1989, lenders have used services like Teletrack to pull consumers' credit histories. This leads to many applicants being denied funding.

Alternative lenders may use a risk assessment model that does not rely as much on your credit history. While no credit check loan offers are usually untrue, some alternative lenders may consider income more heavily than credit scores.

What Lenders Want

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Payment history is an essential metric that lenders look at when making a credit decision. Missed payments can result in an application denial or a high-interest rate.

Your loan history is essential to payday and online lenders alike. It's a measure of your familiarity with the process. Credit history is one of the top factors standard payday loan outlets use to approve your request. A positive loan history indicates that you are a suitable recipient and vastly improves mutual trust between you and your lender. Online lenders are more inclined to work with those who have a history of successfully meeting payment deadlines.

Your current income stream will be crucial to these outlets as well.

Results of Past Mistakes

Online vendors can be an excellent financing option if you have had trouble with brick-and-mortar outlets in the past. These lenders don't come free, however. You will see increased interest rates and more intensive monitoring. Lenders need to decrease the odds that you miss your payments, and they may go to great lengths to make sure you know when you need to pay your balance.

It isn't uncommon for third-party lenders to require collateral to approve you for a loan. Collateral is an asset you possess that they can take should you fail to pay when you receive your paycheck. Some online vendors do not have the resources or ability to request collateral, as they would need to deal with far too many local laws to maintain a profitable business model. In most cases, you won't need to concern yourself with putting your vehicle up as collateral to secure a loan with direct lenders.

More Differences Between Third Parties and Direct Lenders

While working with a direct lender seems like a slam dunk, there are reasons why using a broker is a better option in some situations.

Loan Reason

Most vendors that work with a third-party will heavily monitor how you use the funds you receive. They want to ensure that you do not use the money for non-essential products or expenses. Conversely, direct lenders will rarely have set requirements for how you utilize your loan.

This usually isn't that big a deal either way, though. Consumers tend to borrow short-term loans for the same small number of reasons.

The Turnaround Time

If you need your loan fast, direct lenders may be able to get money in your bank account promptly. Many are capable of providing payday loans using a savings account. The application process is similarly efficient. Many of these outlets can submit your results minutes after submission.

It may take a little longer to get a loan when working with a network.

Added Features

Using online direct lenders may offer 24-hour customer support or approval. Moreover, if you lack access to modern devices, you may be able to submit your application via fax machine. These factors make online lenders a stellar solution for those who need money at a moment's notice.


Brokers can introduce complications in the lending process by enforcing stricter monitoring, more demanding payment timetables, and more. An advantage of direct options is that brokers may be removed entirely from the process.

Funding Source

When you work with a direct lender, the entirety of the loan may come from a single party. As such, the conditions of your loan are more static, and they are usually not subject to change. As a result, the process may be less stressful and easier to manage.

Peace of Mind

A broker can add a great deal of legitimacy and peace of mind to the transaction. Without one present, there will be fewer safety nets preventing you from making a mistake. However, as long as you are working with a trusted and reputable direct lender, you should still be able to rest easy about your funding source.


Third-party lenders are often unable to negotiate your loan's terms and conditions. Often, the amount of your loan will be similarly non-negotiable. This can be a limiting factor if you need a specific sum. Ultimately, this can reduce their usefulness in certain situations.


Since direct lenders issue the loans themselves, they may provide you with more documented invoices and receipts. As a result, you may not face as many surprise fees or sudden shifts in interest rates. And since the loan is more concrete in its fine details, it's far simpler to confirm its legitimacy.

Payment Plans

Direct lenders may offer payment plans. For example, many outlets allow you to repay your loan through installments. Different payment plans can also help you avoid rollover-based interest accumulation, which is a common problem associated with short-term funding as a whole.

Online, direct payday loan lenders are frequently more consumer-friendly than conventional outlets. If you have a shaky history with payday loans and are looking for an alternative, this may be a viable solution for you.

Is It Faster to Use a Direct Lender?

If you are applying for a loan online, it will likely take at least one business day to get your funds – even through a direct lender. Regardless, this can still be relatively faster than traditional lenders.

Where Can I Find a Direct Lender for Bad Credit Loans?

A loan-finding service can help you find a loan provider. Many of the lenders we work with have been known to provide loans to people with bad credit.

What is Our Lender-Finding Service?

OpenCashAdvance.com helps customers try to find a loan online. We work with direct lenders and lending partners. We ask you for a little information, and then we use that information to try to find you a lender.

Our goal is to connect you with a reputable lender. While we don't provide the loan, we do everything we can to point you in the right direction.

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